During the week from 21 to 25 in August 2023, APAN56 was successfully hosted by LEARN in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The 5th Joint Committee Meeting of APNIC ISIF project “Developing a Collaborative BGP Routing Analyzing and Diagnosing Platform” was held on 24 August at APAN56. This was the project completion meeting and was open to all other APAN participants as well.
The co-leader of the Project Executive Team, Ms.Jie An from Tsinghua University conducted the meeting. The co-PI of this project, Professor Jilong Wang from Tsinghua University first expressed his sincere gratitude to all project partners for their contribution to this project. Then Prof. Wang presented the Coordination Committee Report, and summarized the project objectives and achievements, especially the work of building the collaborative communities, sharing knowledge, and project budget and expenses.
Professor Changqing An from Tsinghua University, co-chair of the Technical Committee gave the work report of the technical teams which especially focused on the platform development of BGPWatch and Looking Glass, and the progress of the hijack detection and diagnosing system. She also shared the draft future work plan of the next phase of the APNIC ISIF project.
The event connected over 30 scholars, network professionals, and researchers both online and onsite.
24 Aug., 2023