The 18th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was held in Kyoto from October 8 to 12, 2023. The theme of IGF 2023 was “The Internet We Want – Empowering All People.” The event featured six sub-themes: AI & Emerging Technologies, Avoiding Internet Fragmentation, Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety, Data Governance & Trust, Digital Divides & Inclusion, Global Digital Governance & Cooperation, Human Rights & Freedoms, and Sustainability & Environment. More than 7,000 onsite and online participants joined this event.
IGF 2023 reviewed and approved the proposal from the project team to host a booth showcasing the progress of three major international projects for developing platforms and tools for collaborative Internet governance.
The booth presented the vision of the “Internet of Governance” and three major projects, including “Joint Research on IPv6 Network Management: Research Development and Demonstration” (funded by the Chinese government), “Developing a Collaborative BGP Routing Analysis and Diagnostic Platform” (co-funded by APNIC Foundation and Tsinghua University), and an extension of the ongoing project “Developing a Collaborative BGP Routing Analysis and Diagnostic Platform” (co-funded by APNIC Foundation and Tsinghua University).
These projects have made significant progress and have supported collaborative work on the development of platforms and tools to assist NREN network management and governance in the Asia-Pacific region. These tools include Gperf, BGPWatch, CGTF Looking Glass Platform, FlowWatch, and CGTF RIS.
The booth attracted significant attention due to its innovative contributions to collaborative IPv4/IPv6 network management and governance. It captured the interest of engineers, researchers, and policymakers among IGF 2023 participants, some of whom expressed strong interest in joining the projects and look forward to potential future collaborations.

25 Oct., 2023