
(BdREN, Bangladesh)
Mohammad Tawrit is having 30 years of experience in the Telecommunication and Data communication field. He has been working as Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BdREN) since April, 2019.
He joined BdREN, a project initiated by Ministry of Education and implemented by University Grants Commission (UGC), as Operations Director in April, 2013. During his tenure in BdREN, he was involved in the design and implementation of a full-fledged Research and Education Network.
He has drafted a number of presentations on different aspects of NRENs. He has worked in-depth on NREN sustainability. On “NREN sustainability” he presented a paper at the Governors’ Meeting in APAN45 at Singapore as “Guest Speaker”. He is also one of the authors of the first “Asi@Connect Compendium” and presented the draft compendium at the Governors’ Meeting in APAN47 at Seoul, South Korea.
Currently he is working as Principal Investigator of “facilitating Distance Learning using Digital Conferencing facility (fDLuDCf)” sub-project awarded under CFP2 in the WP5 category on Asi@Connect financing.
Title of Presentation: Status of implementation of IPv6 in Bangladesh, present Challenges and its Future
Abstract: The following issues will be covered in the Presentation:
Present Status and Utilization:
Bangladesh: In terms of implementation of IPv6 where Bangladesh stands. How is it proceeding? Its relative position compared to other countries participating in the project.
BdREN: how BdREN is coping up. Which devices are having IPv6 Addresses? What are their Utilizaiton?
Scope: Which devices are being planned to provide IPv6 Addresses?
Challenges and Fear: What are the impediments in implementing IPv6? Where lies the fear?
Mitigation of Challenges: How we can overcome those challenges? What is our plan?
Expectation from the Project: What is our expectation from the Project?